
Materials: iPad, Apple Pencil Process: found sentence on book page and snapped a pic of it then uploaded it into my drawing app on my iPad, ibispaint. From there, I sketched inverted a little over a third of the page, making the split of dark and light. I sketched a skeleton of a tree out then used an alcohol brush tip to draw out the trunk and branches, using the same kind of method for the leaves/moss. Idea: I wanted to convey the image of hearing common advice of “being patient” and “waiting for the one” while also feeling like that those words don’t do anything. “But it had no effect” means that the advice isn’t working, because the person narrating has already fallen or falling. The tree is a willow tree, often seen with moss hanging from it, and this image symbolizes that the advice, if listened to, can grow into something beautiful later on, but since it doesn’t have an effect on the narrator, the seed of patience has not grown. I wanted to try a different technique ...