
Materials: book page, ipad (ibispaint), exacto knife, glue Process: I drew out the lines connecting the sentence I had found on one the book pages and then copied it onto bigger parchment colored paper. Using the exacto knife, I cut a border and around said lines so only the sentences were left. I sketched a design on my iPad using ibisPaint, lineart, and colored as well. Idea: I wanted to convey the message that matters of the heart/desire can overtake one’s mind, throwing all reason to the wind. The flower symbol represents Aphrodite, goddess of love, while the owl sitting on the branch represents Athena, goddess of wisdom/reason. The sentences “I understand that for years now, the heart wa dimly doing what he knew best. It was foolish, but it was magnificent. Don’t give the chance to reason” is simply what it means. The heart can feel many things and that’s what it knows best, but the mind makes the decisions. So, sometimes when you get to know someone and start liking them, th...