
Materials: watercolor pencil, sharpie Process: i found, once again, a sentence from many and drew connecting lines to the words of the sentence through the gaps of other words. I sketched out the hand using my own reference and colored the hand and door using watercolor pencil, as well as the background. I then went over the pencil lines of the connecting lines with sharpie and any border needed. I did not mean to use purple, I thought it was black, but I made it work by adding a shadow through the doorway with sharpie. I added butterflies on the doorway and thinner lines around the rest of the door. Idea: the butterflies on the doorway symbolize change and I wanted to come almost full circle from my first piece which was reaching out towards something unknown yet hoping for something to help them. This time, the hand is almost in the same position but reaching towards something they know will be good: growth and change within themselves for the better. The “door opening” is the butter...